Burstein With Advice

Burstein With Advice - College Essay Help

Applying to College?
A Positive Experience is Possible!


At Burstein With Advice, we help take the stress out of the college application process and replace it with a positive, forward-moving approach. By the time you complete your applications, you can feel confident that admissions officers will have a favorable and memorable impression of who you are and how you will fit at their colleges.



The amount of college admissions advice flooding websites and bookshelves can overwhelm both student and parent.  At Burstein With Advice, we stay up-to-date on the latest thinking so that you don’t have to.  Weaving fresh ideas in with time-proven approaches, we give you comprehensive yet selected guidance through the college application process.



We bring three unique dimensions to the college application process:

  • We use our experience in career counseling to help you explore possible areas of interest for your studies and potential career.

  • Adapting a technique developed by professors from MIT and Harvard and used by Fortune 500 companies, we help you identify your personal strengths and select those you’d like to share with your targeted colleges.

  • With our knowledge of marketing, we help you customize your application process for each of your top-choice colleges.

Your take-away is a smooth and clear college application process, powerful essays, and self-presentation skills that will last you a lifetime.



We give the highest quality detailed attention to each student, whether you are applying to the Ivy League, other highly selective colleges, or a university with just the features you need.

Thanks to technology, we can work together no matter where you live, be it close by or across the world.



We can still be of help!

We provide assistance with personal statements for Graduate Schools, Residency Programs, and Fellowship applications, as well as with resumes and interview preparation for internships or jobs. If it’s about getting you to your next step in life, we can help.

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